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Gangwon-Chuncheon World Taekwondo Cultural Festival

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(Gangwon Domin Ilbo) Gangwon Chuncheon World Taekwondo Cultural Festival Organizing Committee Agreement

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On the 8th, the Gangwon-Chuncheon World Taekwondo Cultural Festival Organizing Committee (Chairman Sang-min Lee) of Toegye-dong Bank Account Association (Chairman Seung-eun Lee), Toegye-dong Autonomous Crime Prevention Team (Man-bok Kim), Toegye-dong Community Volunteer Group (Hye-ok Kim), and Toegye-dong Community Security Council (Chairman Kim Hye-ok) Hyeon-seop Yeom), Toegye-dong Women's Association of Saemaul Leaders (Chairman Jeong-sook Kim), Toegye-dong Association of Saemaul Leaders (Chairman Sun-cheon Ham), and Korea Rescue Association (Chairman Seung-moon Baek) signed a business agreement and agreed to cooperate in hosting the event successfully.

View the original article : http://www.kado.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=1198078